WP 4 - Dissemination
Revision as of 17:33, 13 February 2017 by Kornelija Passek-Kumericki (Talk | contribs)
This work package includes activity to disseminate the improved research work resulting from the support of this project (mainly WP2). We have split this activity in Publications (Task 4.1), presentation of results at seminars and international conferences (Task 4.2) and outreach activities to the general public (Task 4.3). This last task will need a dedicated effort in terms of organization of public lectures, media coverage and general outreach activities, in order to reach the general public, with the aim of increasing the visibility of RBI-T-WINNING, of DTP and of RBI, and with the final goal to set DTP as a leading recognized actor in the field of theoretical physics at national and regional level.