Activities by project proposal

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Task 2.1 Joint organization of events aimed at improving our research skills.

Joint organization of international workshops and schools is an important step in knowledge transfer which will help in promoting the RBI group's research and transfer of knowledge capacity. It will be particularly useful for young researches who would have an opportunity to present their work and discuss with the leading experts in the field.

Subtask 2.1.1 (PHENOMENOLOGY April-May 2016 = Y1Q2. Postponed to Spring 2017) [LPT]

Joint organization of the workshop (tentative title) “Recent developments in Flavor Physics and New Physics Searches” (to be organized in France) . Since a significant number of scientists from partner institutions work on these topics, the aim is to bring them together along with other experts of different domains of flavor physics and new physics searches, in order to discuss and interpret the most recent experimental developments, as well as devise strategies to address the important theoretical problems through the next experimental studies. (MM: RBI: (0.5org+2part)=2.5 SISSA:(0.5part)=0.5 LPT: (1org+2part)=3 LMU:(1part)=1 )


Subtask 2.1.2 (PHENOMENOLOGY April-May 2018 = Y3Q2) [DTP]

Joint organization of workshop on developments and challenges in QCD in view of the new experimental results from colliders (to be organized in Croatia) . It will give opportunity to bring together theoretical physicists from partner institutions with leading researchers in the field and to foster also the contact and exchange of ideas between theoretical and experimentally communities.


Subtask 2.1.3 (ASTROPARTICLE, Y3Q2) [DTP]

Joint organization of international conference in order to increase the expertise, impact and outreach of the Astroparticle group in the rapidly changing Cosmology and Dark Matter arena, and to pinpoint the hot problems for a successful programming of the group activities in the following years.


Subtask 2.1.4 (SOLID STATE, Y3Q3) [DTP]

Joint organization of international conference in order to increase the expertise and impact of members of the computational condensed matter physicists from DTP, but it will be beneficial for all involved parties.


Subtask 2.1.5 (MATHPHYS, Y1Q2-3. Postponed to Y2Q1: March 2017) [SISSA]

Proposed conference at SISSA: 2 weeks in Fall 2016 on "Topological and geometrical aspects of quantum spaces: field theory and causal structure", joint organization with SISSA (Dabrowski) and Orsay (Wallet)


Subtask 2.1.6 (MATHPHYS, Y3Q2-3) [DTP]

Joint organization of international conference "Quantum gravity, geometry and noncommutativity" in order to increase the expertise, impact and outreach of the Math physics groups. Organized in Croatia (Adriatic region).


Task 1.1 - Events organized in Croatia aimed specifically on the education we want to get.

In this task RBI is going to organize educative events (schools and lectures/lecture series) in Croatia about specific topics we want to learn more about. Subtasks are managed by different groups of RBI according to their specific needs. Goal of this task is to provide efficient training and education tailored specifically to interests and competence level of RBI researchers.

Subtask T1.1.1 Multi-topic Theoretical Physics School at RBI Y2/Q2 or Q3

Joint organization [RBI(responsible) and all partners] of a multi-topic Theoretical Physics School to be held in Y2/Q2 or Q3 at RBI.(topics are Standard model + Beyond the SM, Hot problems in Cosmology, Advanced methods of mathematical physics, Hands-on School on Theory and Applications of Electronic Structure methods). We will gather 5 t-6 invited speakers to deliver intense 1-2 week lectures for each subtopic, to be held in some parallel sessions with an eye on multidisciplinarity. This event should preferably also host the mid-term meeting (see task 5.6) (man months (MM) - IRB: (3part +2org)=5 SISSA: (1.5part+0.5org)=2 LPT: (1part+0.5org)=2 LMU: (0.7part+0.3org)=1 NBI: 0 )


Subtask T1.1.2: [DTP] Y1/Q3. Postponed to Y2Q3 (September 2017)

We will organize a joint school with SISSA and Niels Bohr with the goal to learn techniques used in physics of disordered systems and especially exactly solvable models. Applications of Statistical physics to biology and computer science are also going to be discussed in this school. The level of school is going to be for graduate students and already accomplished researchers. This school will also be linked with the Task 3.1in WP3 for efficient allocation of resources. The school should last for 5 days 6 hours of lectures every day. NBI: (0.75part+0.25org)=1


Task 1.2 - Attending educative events

In this task RBI researchers are going to attend educative events organized at RBI or in Twinning institutions. In twinning institutions these educative events may generally be part of the normal work done on partner institutions. Goal of this task is to expose RBI researchers to broader picture of subjects that are going to be learned in the task 1.1 and to enable RBI researchers to meet broader community of experts in given subjects.

Subtask 1.2.3 Statistical theoretical physics school at NBI [NBI] Y1/Q3, Y2/Q3. Postponed to Y3/Q1-2 (Spring 2018)

Two schools Y1, Y2 are programmed at Niels Bohr Institute, which are of larger scope than the one organized in Croatia (task 1.1.2). It will be attended by statistical physicists of DTP.


Subtask 1.2.4 QCD school in France [LPT (responsible) and DTP]Y1/Q2

Joint organization [LPT (responsible) and DTP] of a school about QCD at colliders, to be held in Y1/Q2 in France. This school will be the continuation in a series of schools held in 2012 and 2014. This series is particularly timely in view of the various theoretical and experimental challenges raised by the different electron-proton and electron-ion collider projects, which are presently under study in the USA and in Europe. One should note that there are presently very few schools covering these topics in Europe. Combining the complementary expertises of LPT and DTP groups would help to stabilize this series, and to enlarge its audience. On top of lectures, to be given by top level international leaders of the field, opportunity will be given to young physicists to present their own work in dedicated seminars